Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 11 is Number 1

From the Speakers: NJ LEGION ICED TEA by A Day to Remember

It's official--my first Write1Sub1 story of 2012 was accepted last week, Week 11!

It took 11 weeks of writing a story per week, 5 rejections, still waiting to hear back from 7 magazines, but I did it. The story is called "Over the Fence," and it will come out in May or June in Residential Aliens.

I started writing a story about baseball--I played every spring since I was five years old until I graduated high school, so this time of year always brings back memories of being on the field (see "Spring Cleaning" post). But somehow I ended up submitting it to a horror magazine. Go figure.

Can't keep the fantasy out of a fantasy author's stories, you know?

Anyway, the editor of Fear and Trembling magazine enjoyed the story and wants to publish it, but she said it might be a better fit in her sister magazine, Residential Aliens. Haven't heard the release date yet, but when I do, you'll be the first to know.

Also, some other good news: I've previously published two stories in Fear and Trembling (a few years back), and since then the magazine's undergone lots of changes, including management. But the new editor, the one who just accepted "Over the Fence," said she still has all the archived stories and will get them online one day. That means you'll be able to read more of my published fiction for free!

Stay tuned! Lots of exciting things going on these days. Keep your fingers crossed, and maybe Week 11 will only be the first of many, many acceptances this year.

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