Monday, January 30, 2012

Helping Hand

From the Speakers: BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY by Queen
Just Read: THE WOLF TREE by John Claude Bemis--Definitely a fun steampunk novel. Sped through it during a long car ride; a very fun adventure.
Just Read: CORALINE by Neil Gaiman--Super creepy, in a great way. Loved it!
Reading Now: ONE DAY by David Nicholls

Sometimes it's annoying when magazines have themed issues. What I mean is, their January issue is only considering stories starring female protagonists with chips on their shoulders, or only stories about soccer. That kind of thing. Never once have I been searching for new magazines, seen one of these, and thought, "I have just the perfect story!" Though, often I've thought, "I have one that, if you really stretched your mind, suspended your disbelief, maybe did some LSD first, might fit your criteria."

Three weeks in, it's hard to imagine a time during my Write1Sub1 challenge where I won't have an idea for a story before it's due. But 52 stories is quite a few, and I dare say my well might not be as deep as I think.

So that said, my opinion of themed magazines has changed somewhat. Suddenly it's nice when Penumbra magazine or On the Premises gives me some direction. In fact, I believe I may try to submit to each month's themed issue--one week's story will be written for these requests. Even if they reject a story I wrote for them, I can still send it to any other magazine I think might be a good fit.

Gotta do what you gotta do to make it through this marathon challenge! Plug in the computer charger,  bring on the hard rock, and pour me a glass of Dr. Pepper. There's writing to do, and I aim to create.


  1. Congrats on reaching your W1S1 goals for Jan. Hit those themed issues!

  2. Congrats on making W1S1 Jan and good luck for Feb! Themed issues and prompts are manna for the productive writer :-)

  3. You're right: themes can definitely get our creativing juices moving. Well done on your January Write1Sub1 accomplishments!

  4. Sam: Thanks, I will!

    Michelle: Thanks, and I agree--it's a bit like being lazy, because I don't have to think up a story. haha!And thanks for following! :)

    Milo: Thanks man, congrats to you too! I'm ready for month #2!
