Just Read: DEEP SKY by Patrick Lee--Loved the pace and complexity of this novel, and have really enjoyed this sci-fi/thriller series. Definitely the kind of series I hope to write one day.
Reading Now: THE CONCRETE BLONDE by Michael Connelly
Is it mid-October already!?
This has been the busiest, fastest September I can remember. My son is three months old, I'm six weeks into my doctoral program, I'm working full time, my wife is back to work, and I'm preparing and giving three lectures over five weeks. Yow!
Still, fortunately, I found time to write two short stories in September. I'm glad I was able to--having a creative outlet was a nice way of venting after all the non-creative work I've been doing. Writing has been more cathartic this month than normal. I'm happy that I've been able to keep up my 2020 goals of putting out more short stories.
One thing I haven't done is submit as many of those stories. I've been writing feverishly, finishing a story, and moving on to the next without editing and polishing each one for submission. They aren't ready yet. So my plan for October is to write a flash horror story (love reading and writing horror in October!) and spend more time revising the stories I wrote in August and September. It's an ambitious goal, but one I'm motivated to achieve because I received some good news recently--I won a Silver Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future Contest! That's the highest I've ever gotten in the contest after submitting for, like, 15 years. I have been winning Honorable Mentions regularly now, and winning a Silver definitely feels like a validation of the work I've been putting into the craft.
I am hopeful that the trend will only continue!