Now Playing: THE HOBBIT by Howard Shore
Just Read: THE BAT by Jo Nesbo--Greatly enjoyed it. Not a perfect detective, but I liked that about the case. Definitely dark, and made me pick up the sequel in B&N tonight.
Reading Now: RAIN GODS by James Lee Burke
I had a story published last week!
It had been a long drought--something like a year, which is a long time for me--but I have had a short story accepted, edited, and published in Electric Spec Magazine!
The story, titled "A Walk Among the Ivy", takes place at an old manor house in rural North Carolina (where I grew up . . . the rural part, not the manor house) and includes characters from Georgetown University Hospital (where I once worked as a travel nurse). I like that I was able to include little details I knew from experience. I think those details helped make the story more rich.
This is my second story to appear in Electric Spec's pages. The first one was called "Tom the Sheller" and appeared in 2009. The links to both are now available to the left. Head on over--I hope you enjoy!
I've been averaging something like two publications per year. If I include my four 100-word stories accepted this fall, I have met my average. I'm always trying to get better, though, and have some stories lined up to help achieve that mark. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.