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Write1Sub1 2013 is here, and I bid a fond farewell to 2012. It was the most productive year of my writing career by a hefty amount. But I believe 2013 will be even better.
But here's the final tally for 2012, a decent bar for me to surpass:
Total number of stories: 52
Twitter Fiction: 8
Flash Fiction: 14
Short Stories: 30
For a total of . . . wait for it . . . 112,145 words!
Each of those 52 stories was submitted at least once, some half a dozen times. I had three acceptances: "Dying Again" at Liquid Imagination; "Over the Fence" at Fear and Trembling; and "Skipping Stones" at Daily Science Fiction (forthcoming).
This year will involve at least twelve new stories, some work on novel-length pieces I have in mind, and innumerable submissions of stories I wrote in 2012 that have yet to find a home.
Thanks to all the people who helped along the way, especially my fellow W1S1 authors for their support, and the friendly competition involved. Thanks to my friends and family for their encouragement, and for not being annoyed when I had to be antisocial to finish up a week's work. You all make it worth doing for me, and I greatly appreciate it.
Looking forward to the future! Write on, friends, write on.